Clapp — Giving everyone in Colombia access
to real
filmmaking and setting quality standards on film sets.

Horizontal billboard design for Clapp

It is notoriously difficult to make your debuts in Colombia’s filmmaking industry. Not everyone has quality equipment and finding experienced workers can also be quite hard.

Clapp's crew came to me to help them create the brand, from the strategy to the graphic identity. This app allows anyone to rent equipment, hire workers and anything you could need on a film set.

The aim is to help young creators find equipment that meets their expectations, set quality standards on film sets and later on to contribute to a real Colombian movie culture.

Clapp's logoClapp's iconographic style & app icon design

The graphic identity puts a strong accent on its typographic universe: it is based on the thin and condensed font used for credits in movie prints.

We then created a proud, confident, yet young and federative brand identity to give an empowering feeling to their cause.

typographic composition in Clapp's styleset of 3 posters for Clapp
Clapp's webdesignthe app's graphic ingredients example for ClappTote-bag design for Clapptypographic composition in Clapp's style 2